Biscuits & Gravy

This site is for my family and friends to stay current with what is going on in our lives and in our world in general. I hope it is as fun for you to read as it is for me to make!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Charlotte Update

I am saddened to report that our beloved Charlotte was bought by someone else over the weekend. We really liked her and were seriously considering getting her but as fate would have it she was destined to be with another family. I'm sure she and her new family will be very happy together. God Bless You Charlotte! Let's hope our paths cross again in Malibu this summer!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Alison's Bachlorette Party Pix

Amy's sister Alison is getting married in a couple of weeks and she had her bachlorette party last weekend at a spa down south. They had massages and got dirty in a Mud Bath! Can't wait for your Big Day Alison!

Video of Little Charlotte (My Name for Her)

Should We Or Shouldn't We?

This is the cutest little chocolate lab female puppy that we saw at Pet Headquarters in Malibu...we already have Buddy and Ollie but a little sister would complete the set...should we or shouldn't we?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Buddy Getting Back To Normal

I took Buddy and Ollie to the beach yesterday and Bud was doing much better. He was only a little gimpy on his leg and the salt water was good for his cuts and scrapes. Him and Ollie had a blast chasing each other around and wearing each other out! Long Live Buddy and Ollie!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bud's Brush With Death

My sweet baby Buddy Biscuit almost had his number come up yesterday as we were driving on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, CA. Bud put his paw on the power window button and flew out of my car while we were going about 50-60 miles per hour. He skidded on the blacktop and then ran across the road and was hit by an oncoming car. Through some kind of miracle he didn't break any bones and only had the injuries that you see above. I am not a religous person but I can't help but think that Bud had an Angel on his shoulder yesterday. Every day of the rest of Bud's life will be considered a blessing! God Bless my sweet Buddy Biscuit! May he have a long and healthy life!