Biscuits & Gravy

This site is for my family and friends to stay current with what is going on in our lives and in our world in general. I hope it is as fun for you to read as it is for me to make!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Crime Dogs Crack Car Break-In Case in Brentwood Glen

My car was broken into Monday morning but the robber was foiled by my three Crime Dogs- Buddy, Oliver and Amy! We were awoken by the dogs barking and growling and Amy got up to look out the window. She saw a light on in my car and told me she thought someone was breaking into it! I went out on the balcony and shouted 'Hey There!' but couldn't see anything because it was too dark. Seconds later a late-model Japanese car started up and sped off! Eagle-eyed Amy spotted the license plate and instantly memorized it! After inspecting the damage you see above we called the cops. They arrived about an hour later and took down our statements. They looked under the car and found a cell phone- guess who's phone that was? The dumb crooks'! The name on the phone was Jose and Maria. After thanking the police we drove down to the station and had the car dusted for fingerprints but didn't get any- guess the guy wore gloves. Anyways, the cops later told us the phone and the car came back to the same owner so they think they had their man! So let this be a lesson to all you Bad Guys out there- don't mess with my Crime Dogs!